Okay for some reason I signed up to review home school products for a magazine, like I have extra time. LOL!!! One of the things we have to have is a blog, so here is mine. I thought I needed to give some background information about our family and homeschooling before I start reviewing products.
I homeschooled our oldest daughter when she was in kindergarten, first, and some of second grade. She went to public school for second, third, and fourth grade. Our youngest went to public school for pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade. This is our second year homeschooling this go around. They went back to public school while my husband finish his college degree and I worked.
Last year we used Sonlight, Teaching Textbook, Math-U-See, Rod & Staff Grammar, Wordly Wise, and Apologia Science.
This year we are using Tapestry of Grace for history, literature, geography, church history, writing, and fine arts. We use Saxon for math, Rod & Staff grammar and First Language Lesson Level 3, Wordly Wise, and Bob Jones Science.
Maybe this will help when you read my reviews or read about our journey of home schooling.