Monday, April 26, 2010

Homeschool Curriculum Fairs

It's that time of year again. Here is a run down of Homeschool Expos, Fairs, and Conventions in the Southeast.

April 29- May 1    GHEA Curriculum Fair at Georgia International Convention Center (1 mile west of the Atlanta Airport on Camp Creek Parkway.  
Here is the link for vendors   
Here is the link for workshops    
Admission is $60 for the full conference $10 for each child and $30 plus $5 for each child to shop only.  I’ve never been to this one, but my group leader highly recommends it. This Fair would be great for new homeschoolers or people thinking about homeschooling.  On Thursday, April 29, from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m., they offer four FREE Homeschool Success workshops that introduce prospective or beginning homeschoolers to the wonderful world of home education. All four workshops are open to the public.

May 14-15    CHEF of Alabama at Sumatanga Camp and Conference Center.  
Here is the link for vendors   
On the same link for the vendors there is a link to download the workshop schedule.

May 14-15    MTHEA Curriculum Fair at Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville
Here is the link for the vendors
I think admission is $25.

May 28    Covenant Christian Academy’s Used Book Sale at The Rock Family Worship Center.

June 12    CSTHEA Homeschool Used Book Sale at Camp Jordan Arena in Chattanooga.  This is the best; it’s huge and very well priced.

July 23-24    CSTHEA Education Expo at Camp Jordan Arena in Chattanooga.  They don’t have their vendors posted, but it is well over 100 vendors. Lots of workshops.

July 30-31 Southeast Homeschool Expo at the Cobb Galleria Center, Marietta (Atlanta). 
Here is the link for their vendors If I counted right there is 127 vendors.
Here is the link for their workshops

The cost for admission is $25 for husband and wife. I’m not sure about the admission to the others, but they all usually have one.

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