Thursday, March 31, 2011

April 3in30

 I have tried to work on my 3 in 30 goals this week.  I needed the jump start (trial period) before I actually have to begin.

 I actually done really good this week on getting up at 8:00.  I only over slept one day.  Yippie :)
Most nights the kitchen was clean before bedtime.  Go me!!!!
Okay, the one that I really should be doing and letting the others go; I didn't do to good on.  I did not read the bible everyday.  I just kinda put this one on the back burner because I am starting blogging through Genesis on Monday with MomsToolBox.

So that's it for this week; how did your week go?

Our New Adventure

I had a garden when I was little living at home, but I have never had one since I have been married.  I decided that we were going to have a small one this year.  The prices of fresh foods are so high; I thought why not just grow my own.  We are fixing to put our house up for sell, so we are not going to have anything big and extravagant.  But, it will be enough for us.

Since, I had already decided to have a garden; I thought why not join this challenge.  It will be a great way to learn how to garden.

I plan on planting some herbs in pots.  Not sure on which ones yet.  I am going to plant green beans, onions, red, yellow, and green peppers; maybe some tomatoes.  This is the place of our future garden.  

I plan on buying my pots and plants this weekend.  We have had a rainy and gloomy week; which doesn't motivate you to get outside and work. LoL  So I should have a picture of "the pot area" next week.

I'm not sure on what materials we are going to use or if we will even use a curriculum.  I just want the girls to be involved every step of the way with every thing.  I want them to enjoy the experience so they will always want a garden.

This is a new adventure for us, so send me any suggestions  you have. I am going to have to read every post submitted so I can get some great ideas.

If you want to join or just follow along here is the spot to go to - HSV Garden Challenge.

Friday, March 25, 2011

McWane Science Center

Directions & Parking

Yes, we love going to zoos, aquariums, and science centers.  I think they could live at the aquarium.  We went to the McWane Science Center on Friday.  We stayed almost 6 hours, and Baylee was not ready to leave.  The rest of use were about ready to drop.  We had a great time, I wish Sci-Quest was more like it.
Here are some pictures we took.

 Okay, this was really hard.  I tried it; it would be a great way to work out the upper body.  Baylee was having trouble, so Molly decided she would try to help.  As you can tell they didn't get very far.

Tommy was going to try to show me up, and do it faster and better than me.....He slipped on the way up.

 Yes, she is very entertaining.  

 Can you tell that she doesn't like to get her picture taken?

 And this one does?

 Okay, I thought these were so cool.  These are casts of ant colonies.  The top one is of Fire Ants, and of course we can't remember what the other one is.

We loved this exhibit.  We could have stayed there a lot longer, but people were waiting. We even went back a second time.  

I think the most fun was when the girls rode the roller coaster simulator ride. I laughed so hard, the people watching that didn't even know us were laughing.   We could here them screaming!!!  Click on the picture below to watch the video.  This was taken on my phone....we are not professionals. 

This week we have had SAT's .  And Friday and Saturday we have our Debate and Speech Tournament.  So we have not done "traditional" school work this week.

To get back to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers click here.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

April 3in30

I did not do the 3in30 challenge for March.  I tried it in February, and I didn't do to well.  I set broad goals and had a hard time accomplishing them.  I have really tried to think of very simple goals this time, so hopefully I can stick to them.  So here are my 3in30 goals for April:

  1. Get up at 8:00 Monday through Friday.   I know this is bad.  I homeschool, and we have a hard time getting up in the morning.  We like to stay up late and sleep late. But, I want to change this habit. 
  2. Read at least 3 chapters of the Bible a day.   Once again this is bad.  I am an active church goer, but we are on the go a lot; and it is hard to find time to read the Bible.  No wait.....I don't make the time.  It's not hard to find it; I'm sure if I tried I could do it.
  3. Clean the kitchen before bed.   The few times I have done this, it was great to wake up to a clean kitchen.  It would be nice to get started on our school work and not have to worry about cleaning the kitchen.  
So there they are.  I hope can accomplish these this month. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

February - Sci Quest Trip

I know it's been a while.  I guess I blog in spurts.  So what we have been up to:

We went to Sci-Quest in Huntsville; they have a new cell exhibit.  It's pretty good, and Baylee has been studying plant and animal cells, so it was nice to see the big models.

Baylee made this cute mask, and of course I had to get a picture. 

Tommy is playing with the girls.  The girls are at the other end of the tube talking to him.

This is Baylee's animal cell.  Don't look to close; play doh dries out.

The girls have started working on their new Abeka history books.  Molly really likes it; it's not as much work as she was doing.  I think Baylee could take it or leave it.  The only thing she would like is, if she could sleep till noon everyday.