Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our New Adventure

I had a garden when I was little living at home, but I have never had one since I have been married.  I decided that we were going to have a small one this year.  The prices of fresh foods are so high; I thought why not just grow my own.  We are fixing to put our house up for sell, so we are not going to have anything big and extravagant.  But, it will be enough for us.

Since, I had already decided to have a garden; I thought why not join this challenge.  It will be a great way to learn how to garden.

I plan on planting some herbs in pots.  Not sure on which ones yet.  I am going to plant green beans, onions, red, yellow, and green peppers; maybe some tomatoes.  This is the place of our future garden.  

I plan on buying my pots and plants this weekend.  We have had a rainy and gloomy week; which doesn't motivate you to get outside and work. LoL  So I should have a picture of "the pot area" next week.

I'm not sure on what materials we are going to use or if we will even use a curriculum.  I just want the girls to be involved every step of the way with every thing.  I want them to enjoy the experience so they will always want a garden.

This is a new adventure for us, so send me any suggestions  you have. I am going to have to read every post submitted so I can get some great ideas.

If you want to join or just follow along here is the spot to go to - HSV Garden Challenge.


  1. It has been gray and rainy here as well! Good luck on your garden :)

  2. Gardening together is a great way to learn! Thanks for showing us where you are now - and I can't wait to see what it looks like next month!

    next link up - April 28th 10am est.

    Stef - HSV TEAM
