Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our First Week Back

Our first week back went pretty good.  We still have to work on getting up a littler earlier.  

Baylee is loving the Trail Guide to Learning, Paths of Settlement Guide.  It was a great switch for us.  She can just read each days lesson, nothing complicated, no switching back and forth.

We are supplementing some science.  The guide only has it two days a week, so we are adding BJU Space and Earth the other 3 days.

Baylee is doing Algebra 1/2, and this week was really easy for her.  Granted it is just review, but it made for an easy week.
Her had writing has improved a lot.

Molly is finishing up her BJU World History, Algebra 2, and Excellence in Literature.  She is starting BJU Biology and Rosetta Stone Spanish.  I still have to find an American History curriculum (that we will start in October).
She is also doing typing at (It's Free)

These are the bible verses we are learning this week with Hiding His Word from Do Not Depart.  The neat design is from IntentionalMe.  We are also doing the Kept: 1 Peter bible study from Savoring Living Water.

I am not a picture person.  I am going to have to remember to take pictures, and write a more detailed description of our week.


  1. I've seen so many homeschoolers really like Trail Guide to Learning. Sounds like lots of fun!

  2. Oh, what do you and Molly think of Excellence in Literature? My oldest will be doing Excellence in Literature II this coming year! It's something new for us/him, but it seems simple and doable.

  3. My 7th & 8th graders are working in Algebra 1/2 this year also. My son is only doing 2 lessons per week so he can use the book for 2 years & pick up Algebra 1 in 9th grade. They both have really been enjoying their math too because of the review. I am going to have to check out some Literature programs. For years we have just read good books and my children have done essays on some of them. Any suggestions for a beginning?

  4. We are just now getting into EIL, but I think we will love it. It is simple and written to the student. So it gives them a little more responsibility.
    Traci I would look into Excellence in Literature. The student reads a book and does different writing assignments over a 4 week period.

  5. Hmm interesting! I spent my last two weeks of holidays learning touch typing
