Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up

So we have done a lot better this week, even though I have been sick.  I guess I was to sick to go out of the house, so we got more accomplished at home.

The only thing we did outside of the home this week was Sci Quest class. The topic was bones and muscles. Which Baylee always has fun at.

Baylee is working on Amanda Bennett's George Washington, Download and Go Series.  She is really liking it. She is suppose to be using a venn diagram on George Washington and Ben Franklin, but she couldn't think of things to write, so I got this unit study and one on Ben Franklin to help. We were just going to do parts of it, but she likes it so much; she is doing it all.

She has also been learning about What is Life? and the Kingdoms in science.
 We did some review in grammar.  She finished her First Language Lessons book, and she is going to start Jr. Analytical Grammar.

Both girls are covering week 30 (Give me Liberty) in Tapestry of Grace year 2.  They read about the period between 1763 and 1775 in America and Great Britain.  There is a lot of information to over.  Baylee is reading Arrow Over the Door for Literature and Molly is reading Early Thunder.  They both are enjoying these selections. 

Molly covered thermodynamics in science.  Sometimes, she amazes me how easy things are for her.  She truly is an amazing young woman.  If there are any problem in science, she usually has to get her daddy to help her. LoL

She also covered N-V and N-V-N patterens in Analytical Grammar.  I am so glad we decided to use this curriculum.  Grammar was her weak subject, but she is doing a lot better.

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1 comment:

  1. Great post. I love the ideas behind Analytical Grammar and am considering using it next year for my older child. I love the diagramming page you posted here.
    Thanks for sharing!
